Picture copied from 77th Regimental Classroom in Snow Hall, Ft Sill

One Sortie movin' out Cav style!

Huuaah! What more
can I say?!

Charlie Battery 1969

Ed Bott & Bob
Bline, 1969

Ed "Doc" Bott,. Hq

Charlie Battery 1969

Paul Baldassano, B 1/77th 1970

Baldassano with reptile friend

B 1/77th, 1970
Paul Baldassano: "Vietnam just isn't
all its 'quacked' up to be!"

B 1/77th FDC 1970
(Baldassano plotting a fire
misison on slide rule)

A /77th 1966 Convoy -
LZ Crystal to LZ Ollie