Reunion 2021
John Moran
The 77th Field
Artillery Association held its 2021 Reunion, September 15-19, in
Springs, CO. Nineteen members were able to attend, along with nine
wives. Paul
Guetter, William Brown, Paige Lanier, Juan Garcia, John Moran, John
Dwayne Fowler, Tony Hartley, LTC Adam Ropelewski, Dean Phillips, Ron
Wayland Britt, Casey Mendenhall, Jim Russell, Bill Bilo, John Garcia,
Ahearn, Raul Diaz, and Bill Hilgris were there. It was the first
Reunion for 8
of the guys.
We met at the
Elegante Hotel
in Colorado Springs, and we must say how welcoming they were to us. It
was a great time.
The 2/77th FA, led
by their Battalion Commander, LTC Adam Ropelewski, acted as hosts for
Reunion. Paige Lanier, the Association’s liaison with the 2/77, did all
coordination. We had a get together Wednesday night, with pizza
provided by the
2/77, giving everybody a chance to renew acquaintances. Thursday,
we had the opportunity to visit the
battalion headquarters and see some of the equipment and vehicles the
uses. Then we went to the field, where Bravo Battery, commanded by CPT
with Chief of Smoke, SFC Beard , was conducting a firing exercise. We
did learn
that fire direction is done a bit differently than when most of us were
involved. Later we had lunch with the troops-that’s different too-we
had choices, and the food was very good.
Friday, nothing was scheduled
and we got to take advantage of all the neat things that Colorado
Springs has
to offer. Such as Pikes Peak, Garden of the Gods, Pro Rodeo Hall of
Fame, Cave
of the Winds, US Olympic Museum, and the US Air Force Academy. Some of
the Garden of the Gods, and it is truly amazing!
Friday evening we had our
traditional banquet. We were joined by about 80 of NCOs and junior
officers of
the Battalion, and their wives and Significant Others. This was
enjoyable and
informational, as it gave the present generation an idea of what the
Timers” experienced, and us a better appreciation of what is happening
today’s Army and Artillery. One of our
Association members, William
Bilo, BG,
ret, gave the keynote address, and spoke to us on Leadership; very
Another member, V Dwayne
Fowler, was inducted into the Honorable Order of St Barbara. This
Dwayne’s high moral character and his contributions through the years
to Field
Artillery. Dwayne’s daughter, Kimberly, was present to see her father
Dwayne was one of the founding members of the Association in its
current form, and he is the outgoing President.
As a funny
side note on the
banquet; we had it on the 4th floor of the Elegante, in their
Banquet Room, and there’s a lobby between the Room and the elevators.
troops from the 2/77 brought up a pack 75mm howitzer and set it up in
banquet lobby. This is a fully functioning piece, which is now used in
ceremonies. It must have been a sight, watching it be rolled through
the main
hotel lobby, disassembled, and put in the elevator.
At the General Meeting on
Saturday morning, the discussion was dominated by two subjects, which
related: where to have the 2022 Reunion, and how can the Association
membership, especially with younger members. After much discussion, it
concluded that the area around Ft Carson/Colorado Springs has a large
number of
veterans, who have either recently retired or separated from the
Two of our Board members, who fit that profile, John Garcia and Casey
Mendenhall, said they knew a lot of those people, and would make a
effort enroll them. This was with the understanding that the following
year the
Reunion would be in Florida. A date was not set at this time as LTC
have all the Battalions training dates yet.
As soon as it’s
the dates and rates will be announced.
Bill Bilo brought up that the
Association Constitution and By-Laws provides for Honorary Regimental
positions, which are covered in AR600-82. He will look into it and get
back to the Board.
The Reunion, and the General
Meeting, concluded with the election of officers. Lu Merritt, who as
the 1st VP, would normally advance to the position of President,
requested that
he be
by-passed because of a family situation; but that he still wanted to
contribute. Therefore, Bill Capshaw became President; John Garcia, 1st
VP; Lu Merritt, 2nd VP; and Casey Mendenhall, 3rd VP.
All in all, it was a very fun reunion, and we’re looking forward to the
next one. Stay tuned for the