77th Field Artillery Regiment Association

  MEETING 9/14/2024

Meeting called to order by Gabe Garcia, 1st Vice President, at 10AM, in Branson Missouri.

Members present: Gabe Garcia, (1st VP), Jeanette Chervony,( 3rd VP), Ray Kreiner, (Treasurer), John Moran (Secretary),Mike Forsyth (Hon Reg Co), Doc Bosma (Webmaster), Paige Lanier 2nd BN LNO), Dave Morehead, Juan Garcia,, ,Mike Callahan, Rich Klosterman, William Brown, Wayland Britt, and John Bland. 

We opened with a prayer, led by Doc Bosma, and remembered Fredric Roeming, a past battalion commander of the First Battalion,who died in the past year.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 

John Moran, Secretary, presented the Minutes from the General Meeting of 2023. The Minutes were approved.  He also requested that a new Secretary be approved.

Ray Kreiner, Treasurer, presented his report, saying that it was as of August 31, 2024. We are in the black. The report is attached. Also, that the expenses being incurred at the 2024 Reunion are not shown, as they will be shown in the following fiscal year. Ray reported that the Scholarship Fund currently has $1500 in it. He also suggested that, in the awarding of the funds, we pay special attention to meal and fuel costs. This is in accordance with the guidelines that Casey Mendenhall set forth.


We voted to continue to provide funding for our Web site to Doc Bosma, the Webmaster.


Both the Treasurer, Ray Kriener, and the Secretary, John Moran, are asking for replacements. Ray, especially, as his health is not good.

The next subject was the location of the 2025 Reunion. Paige Lanier, our Liaison with the 2nd BN, presented a letter from the 2nd BN CO, LTC Erik Jorgensen, and the BN CSM, Robert McGinnis, to hold our 2025 Reunion at Ft Carson, home of the 2nd Battalion. In the discussion that followed, Mike Forsyth, former 2nd BN CO and Honorary Regimental Commander, stressed the importance of maintaining a close relationship with the battalion having custody of the Regimental colors. Mike also believes he can talk with various people in his demographic to increase membership with the Desert Storm/ Afgan veterans. We also decided to have the Reunion every 3 years at Ft Carson.

Gabe Garcia moves up to President, Jeanette becomes 1st VP, *Tony Hartley 2nd VP, and Mike Forsyth was nominated for the position of 3rd VP, and he accepted the position.

The Board of Governors consists of: Gabe Garcia (Pres), Jeanette Chervony 1st VP, *Tony Hartley 2nd VP, Mike Forsyth 3rd VP, John Garcia & Casey Mendenhall (the 2 most recent Presidents), 1LT Chris Anderson, LNO 1/77FA, Paige Lanier, LNO 2/77FA, Ray Kreiner-Treasurer (non-voting). John Moran -Secretary (non-voting) 

There Being no more business to be conducted, the General Meeting was adjourned at 12:00.



John Moran



*Tony, unfortunately, passed after the Reunion. His position will be left vacant until the next Reunion. In the meantime, the 3rd VP  (Mike Forsyth) moves up to 2nd VP. At the next Reunion (2025), we will elect both the 2nd and 3rd VPs.

Page updated January 22, 2025